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Tagalog Translator *Online*

Welcome to the Tagalog Translator Online. This project initially started as a personal experiment to develop a dictionary for translating English to Tagalog and Tagalog to English words and expressions. At this moment many people, from all over the world, are using this website in order to be able to communicate with family, friends or lovers, living in the Philippines. If you have any suggestions for future developments, then please let me know. Notice: if you want to download the Windows program (freeware) of this translator then click here.

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Searching for "amin": 53 records

Tagalog English

[Active Verb:]

[Passive Verb:]

1) May alam ka ba sa nangyari? (Do you have any knowledge about what happened?) 2) Maalam si Juliana tungkol sa paggamot ng mga bata. (Juliana is knowledgeable in treating children's illness..) 3) Alamin mo kung saan nakatira si Constancia. (Find out wher

1) knowledge (noun) 2) knowledgeable, well-versed (adj) 3) to know, to have a knowledge of, to find out (post-verb)

[Active Verb:]

Umaligid sa kaniya ang maraming tao. (Many people hovered around him.)

1) circling around (adj) 2) to circle around, to hang around (verb)

Pumunta ka sa amin. (Go to our place.)

(pron) first person plural number pronoun (exclusive) meaning "our", "ours", "us"; shows possession or location when preceded by SA.

[Active Verb:]

[Passive Verb:]

1) Amuyin mo nga ito. (Smell this.) 2) Mangamoy kaya ako pag kumain ako ng maraming bawang? (Will I become smelly if I eat lots of garlic?)

1) smell, odor; aroma, body odor; intensive smell; offensive smell (noun) 2) to smell something -- amuyin (verb) 3) to become smelly or odorous (verb)

[Active Verb:]

[Passive Verb:]

1) Mag-anyaya ka ng maraming bisita sa fiesta. (Invite many guests to the fiesta.) 2) Anyayahan mo si Pedro at Juan sa kasal. (Invite Peter and John to the wedding.)

1) invitation (noun) 2) to invite (verb)
apoy 1) fire (noun) 2) fiery, flaming -- maapoy (adj)

Ang bagal ng jeepney na sinakyan namin. (The jeepney we rode in was slow.)

(adj) slow, sluggish

[Active Verb:]

[Passive Verb:]

1) Ano ang balita? (What is the news?) 2) Siya ay balita na may anak sa labas. (He is known to have an illegitimate child.) 3) Ibalita mo naman sa amin ang nangyari. (Tell us what happened.) 4) Balitaan mo naman kami kung ano ang nangyari. (Tell us what h

1) news (noun) 2) well-known, famous, talked about (adj) 3) to tell, to report, to relay the news (verb) to someone

[Passive Verb:]

1) Ano ang balita? (What is the news?) 2) Siya ay balita na may anak sa labas. (He is known to have an illegitimate child.) 3) Ibalita mo naman sa amin ang nangyari. (Tell us what happened.) 4) Balitaan mo naman kami kung ano ang nangyari. (Tell us what h

1) news (noun) 2) well-known, famous, talked about (adj) 3) to tell, to report, to relay the news (verb) to someone

[Active Verb:]

[Passive Verb:]

1) Basag ang salamin. (The mirror is broken.) 2) Huwag kang malikot at baka ka makabasag ng pinggan. (Don't be rough or you might break some china.) 3) Baka basagin ng bata ang plorera. (The child might break the flower vase.)

1) broken (adj) 2) to break china, glassware or earthenware accidentally; to be able to break (verb) 3) to break glassware, china, earthenware; to crack; to break repeatedly (verb)

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This website has been developed by Stefan van Roosmalen, Almere, The Netherlands
Copyright (C) 2006-2009
This website was updated on: 10-07-2024