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Tagalog Translator *Online*

Welcome to the Tagalog Translator Online. This project initially started as a personal experiment to develop a dictionary for translating English to Tagalog and Tagalog to English words and expressions. At this moment many people, from all over the world, are using this website in order to be able to communicate with family, friends or lovers, living in the Philippines. If you have any suggestions for future developments, then please let me know. Notice: if you want to download the Windows program (freeware) of this translator then click here.

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Searching for "hak": 17 records

Tagalog English

[Active Verb:]

[Passive Verb:]

1) Alugin mo ang kahon. (Shake the box.) 2) Umalog ang sasakyan. (The vehicle shook.)

1) shaking up (noun) 2) to shake the contents of (verb) 3) to shake
haka (noun) guess, assumption (idiom) HAKA-HAKA - opinion, usually without basis (verb) MAGHAKA-HAKA - to form an opinion
hakab (adj) tight-fitting
hakbang (noun) step, space of stepping, pace in walking or running

[Active Verb:]

[Passive Verb:]

[L2 Definition:]
(syn) dala, karga

1) Humakot ka ng mga libro. (You take the books you can carry.) 2) Hakutin mo ang mga libro. (Take the books which you can carry.)


(noun) load, loading (quantity) (verb) to take what one can carry
halakhak (noun) loud laughter
iling (noun) shaking of the head in denial or disapproval
kaki 1) khaki (noun) 2) khaki (adj)

[Active Verb:]

[Passive Verb:]

1) Kumalog ang bola sa loob ng kahon. (The ball rattled in the box.) 2) Huwag mong kalugin ang itlog sa kahon. (Don't shake the eggs in the box.)

1) to rattle or shake -- KUMALOG (verb) 2) to shake or rattle the contents of a box or bottle -- MAGKALOG, KALUGIN, IKALOG (verb)

[Active Verb:]

[Passive Verb:]

1) Lumaktaw siya ng ilang hakbang papanik sa hagdanan. (He skipped several steps going up the stairs.) 2) Huwag mong laktawan ang ilang bilang sa pagsusulit. (Don't skip some numbers in the examination.)

(noun) omission of step after making several consecutive ones (verb) to skip or omit a few steps in a series supposed to be done consecutively

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This website has been developed by Stefan van Roosmalen, Almere, The Netherlands
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This website was updated on: 10-07-2024